Principal's Message


It is with a great deal of excitement that I join the Mt. Lebanon community!

I strongly believe that the success of each academic year depends greatly on the support of our community.  By supporting dedicated educators, encouraging parental involvement, and establishing global partnerships we’re able to provide a quality education to each and every student.

Washington Elementary School is a place where students are encouraged to be problem solvers, collaborate with peers, and develop innovative ideas.  It is through trial and error, failure and frustration, that some of the world’s greatest achievements have occurred.  It is  up to us, the WES family: administrators, educators, parents, and the community at large, to facilitate the learning process and inspire young minds.  I am confident that together we can cultivate an engaging academic environment by encouraging students to become thinkers, tinkers, explorers, and entrepreneurs.  

I encourage you to check on your child’s progress regularly, communicate with your child’s teacher openly, and participate in campus and community engagement opportunities as much as possible.

We value your input, and welcome your time and talents.

Yours in education,

Mrs. Brook Webb, Principal

Brook Webb

Washington Elementary School Principal
